Why should we choose factory direct sales for office furniture? What is the difference?

Network information is constantly updated. We can learn more about various industries such as office furniture, hotel furniture, school furniture, etc. through online searches. We can select and compare more suitable and high-quality manufacturers through various channels such as industry information and corporate news to provide good services for ourselves.
At this time, we may notice that many merchants have promoted “factory direct sales”. Why do merchants like to claim factory direct sales? What are the advantages and disadvantages of factory direct sales for consumers?
1. Factory direct sales of office furniture
As the name suggests, factory direct sales of office furniture refers to office furniture products that are sold directly to customers and consumers without any third-party sales such as distributors, wholesalers, and agents. This sales method reduces the intermediate profit in price because there is no third party involved. Consumers can obtain products at a more cost-effective price, including but not limited to the ex-factory price, packaging, and transportation costs of the product.

Office Chair with Footrest Factory(1)
2. Advantages of factory direct sales
Whether in the office furniture industry or other manufacturing industries, factory direct sales are still one of the main sales methods in my country. This sales model enables consumers to contact manufacturers directly by skipping the middleman. If customers have demand projects in hand, communicating with middlemen will not only increase the relevant intermediary costs, but also may cause errors in demand communication due to the middleman’s message. Some middlemen may even cunningly evade responsibility and shift the responsibility to other parties, affecting the progress of the project. Therefore, among many sales models, including office furniture manufacturers, factory direct sales still have a very large innate advantage and can bring customers more and more cost-effective products.

Post time: Sep-24-2024